Sex & Relationship Coaching For Individuals & Couples

build deeply fulfilling relationships & have the kinky sex you crave

Private 1:1 (or 1:2) coaching to help guide you through your questions, needs, and desires. It’s a comfortable, safe, vast, and open space without judgement—or limits! Get private coaching tailored to your unique needs in sex, love, dating, and relationships.

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What does it mean to have the relationship and sex life of your dreams?

Perhaps you want to deepen your relationship (or that situationship you’ve had for months) to levels of deep emotional intimacy and passionate eroticism, but you’re unsure how…

Maybe the trad life of marriage and 2.5 kids does not seem right for you and you’re curious about the spectrum of relationship styles from monogamy to polyamory, but have no idea what those entail…

Or perhaps you’ve fantasized about an exciting sex life exploring the depths of kink, BDSM, or Tantra, but are ashamed of your desires and worried what your partners and friends might think…

So you’ve resigned yourself to despair and resentment that you’ll never have the relationships or sex life you crave.

Let me ask you a few questions.

7 Questions every erotic relationship seeker should consider

Do you struggle with retaining a relationship and making it something more emotionally meaningful?

Are you longing for a depth of connection that nourishes your heart and soul?

Have you been craving hot, passionate, and even deeper sexual connection?

Do you long to be released from secret shames, worries, and judgements of yourself around your desires?

Has a partner asked you to be "more dominant" or "more submissive" in the bedroom, but you feel like an imposter and have no idea how to bring that energy?

Have you questioned if you’re “normal” for wanting to have multiple partners and scared of others opinions about your alternative lifestyle choices?

Have you and your partner lost that passionate spark inside and outside the bedroom?

If you answered “no” to all of these questions, great! You can close this page.

But if you nodded your head at least once and want to stop wasting energy and effort on unfulfilling relationships and a vanilla sex life… 

And start cultivating deep intimacy and experiencing your most daring desires…

Then you’re about to read the letter you have been searching for. Keep reading.

Look. I get it. In a world full of distractions, immediate gratification, and canceling each other, it’s no wonder we’re lost in a desert of unfulfilled one night stands with no way to express what we truly desire.

So let’s swipe left on the bullshit. Let me break this down for you.

There are 5 issues keeping you from the relationship and sex life you crave


Lack of Self Awareness

Societal programming has blocked you from understanding yourself, your desires, your emotions, and your own erotic mind. Then they tied a bow of shame and guilt around your cage.

Coaching will help you unlock your desire, giving you tools to explore yourself and experience core desires, establish boundaries, and know what you want without shame.


Partner Disconnection

You both want to feel more fully seen and understood, but often don’t know how to get there. Needs are going unmet, you both feel resentful, and you sometimes feel as the distance between you is enormous.

Coaching will help you cultivate empath and build a relationship you both want, built within an unshakeable container of trust and intimacy.


Conflict & Poor Communication

You’re both playing games with each other because you’re not clear on how to identify and/or openly communicate your needs or define boundaries, resulting in closure, reactivity and resentment.

Coaching will help you express yourself honestly and authentically, and artfully work through conflict together so you’re on the same team.


Lack of Passionate Sexual Connection

When your sexual connection becomes repetitive or feels like an obligation, it’s hard to feel truly excited, or fulfilled. Maybe the relationship has changed over time, or maybe you haven’t discovered the erotic flow that you know is possible for you.

Coaching will help you confidently engage in erotic masculine and feminine polarity, and explore the taboo realms of BDSM or the spiritually deepening realms of Tantra.


Poor Relationship Role Models & Sex Education

There’s so much…well…crap out there on the internet about relationships and sex, often pushing the standard narrative. You don’t know where to turn if you want anything different.

Coaching will guide you to expansive resources and models for creating the relationship structures you want and types of sex you’ve been fantasizing about.

Just imagine...

Imagine what it will be like when you build the relationship you want and experience what it's like to be truly nourished by your relationship.

Imagine bringing all your fantasies to life and filling your sex life with magnetic attraction and passionate pleasure.

It’s time you unleashed your true nature because you DESERVE to have the most incredibly exciting, fun, and fulfilling intimacy and sex life you can imagine with another person.

Introducing Sex & Relationship Coaching

Full of Tantric Kink, BDSM, Relationships & Deep Emotional Intimacy

Available for individuals or couples, this personalized private coaching will teach you and your partner how to navigate the intricacies of desire, needs and repair. Learn to create a foundation of empathy and honesty, coupled with a deep dive into the art of sexual polarity that transforms your relationship into a sanctuary of profound connection and hot, adventurous pleasure.

Sex positive

Open minded

Non judgmental

Kink friendly

Spirituality friendly

Poly friendly

Here's what we could cover

Personal voyages of discovery in BDSM, Tantra, or alternative relationship structures should be fun, effective and tailored individually. That’s my belief, and the experience of many people who have spent time with me. I am available to help you in a variety of goals. Some examples are below, but these aren’t exhaustive — it’s about you and your objectives.



Unlocking Desire: Understanding and exploring yourself and designing your erotic blueprint with core desires, likes/limits, boundaries, and what you want without shame.

Communication: Helping you learn to express yourself confidently and give and receive pleasure.

Confident Dominance: Do you sometimes feel a bit of imposter syndrome when thinking about being Dominant? Or perhaps you are brimming with confidence, but want some structure and toolkits to better empower you in that role? I work with dominants to find your most natural dominant energy, and overlay that with tools and concepts to make your play authentic and enjoyable.

Embracing Submission: Do you want to submit, but find it difficult? Perhaps it’s hard to switch your brain off, or it’s difficult to build trust and confidence to really let go? Develop your very own style of submissive energy and work through blockages that are keeping you from doing what you want most: submitting to the right Dom.


Relationship Mastery

Relationship Structures: Understanding and designing the ultimate relationship structure that works with your goals from traditional monogamy to ethical non monogamy and polyamory, and everything in between.

Communication: Learn how to handle difficult conversations inside and outside the bedroom, such as how to bring up a conversation about your desires.

Managing Emotions: Learn to transmute negative emotions of jealousy, guilt, or shame, resentment, into positive emotions such as love, respect, and admiration.

Masculine/Feminine Dynamics: Learn the foundations of sexual polarity and how to embody your natural sexual magnetism.

Attachment styles: Understand your own personal psychology and that of your partners that is keeping you insecure and from the mutual respect and safety you need.


Sex Mastery

Sexual Shame: Moving past shame and guilt around your desires and learning to confidently ask for what you want.

Body Control: Learn techniques to enhance senses, overcome psychological roadblocks to orgasm or erections, and prolong and intensify sexual experiences.

Basic & Advanced BDSM: Gain practical steps to introduce elements of dominance and submission into your sex and everyday life in a safe and consensual way.

Tantric Kink: Learning to bring spirituality, emotional depth, and integration of the masculine and feminine into your relationships, D/s dynamics, and erotic play.

Here's what coaching includes

3 Month Intensive

Designed for those that need weekly accountability and want the quickest results, you will commit to 3 months of weekly coaching including the following:

Weekly 60-minute bespoke deep dive coaching calls that cater to your individual or relational depth and growth

Direct voice messaging and texting via telegram to get support in between sessions or for our accountability check ins

Personalized resources or practices to support you in between sessions based on what we're working on

You’ll have the option to record every session to your zoom cloud if you want the session recordings

Price: $800 Per Month

I'm Ready!

For those seeking more flexibility in schedule, you may purchase a coaching punch card instead, utilizing the coaching sessions when you need. Just let Brandon know you fill out your enquiry form.

Here's how to get started

Getting started is easy. Just follow these 3 easy steps:

Fill out the coaching application.

Personally meet with me on zoom for a 30-min call to see if coaching is right for you. This call is not just a 30 minute sales pitch. It is a real coaching call solely to get to know you and your desires better! At the end I will simply share the coaching package with you and let you decide.

Pay for your bespoke coaching package and schedule your next session.

Apply Now!

About Brandon The Dom

Truth is, these topics are near and dear to my heart. Coming from a home of terrible relationship models (single mom, father with 3 divorces), I had zero education about sexual or relational dynamics. Despite this I had a decade long monogamous relationship with 4 years of marriage. After the passion died, we divorced amicably and are still amazing friends. However I never felt the standard mold fit me, had an insatiable sex drive, unlived kinky fantasies, and a powerful part of my personality that was being suppressed. So after the divorce I dove head first into the BDSM scene, deepened my personal tantric practices, and embraced polyamory, having many beautiful relationships with dozens of women at different depths and lengths of time, all while being honest, ethical, and emotionally available. I’ve embraced my dominant personality in all areas of my life where I lead and it has made me an incredibly powerful person inside and outside of the bedroom. 

Brandon the Dom in leather jacket with red light on face

My coaching style is influenced by neuroscience, cognitive science, and psychotherapy (though I’m not a therapist and this is not a replacement for actual therapy). I’ve also been a scholar and practitioner of sex & relationships since the first time I had sex. Some might call it being a sex nerd.

Additional Experiences

  • Have led a men’s group for over 5 years.
  • Volunteered 1.5 years with Shrine, Austin's biggest monthly kink event of 700+ people.
  • Started and hosted Young and Kinky for 1.5 years, a weekly munch and social gathering for kinksters 18-39, helping dozens of people become comfortable sharing their kinky selves.
  • Organized and facilitated play parties of up to 30 participants.
  • Moderator of men's self improvement forum

Certifications & Completed Program

  • Neuroscience of Change, Associate Certified Coach training from Coaches Rising (2019)
  • Positive Psychology, Associate Certified Coach training from Lumia (2019)
  • Men’s Group Facilitation from Evryman (2019)
  • Paths of the Embodied Masculine with John Wineland (2022)
  • BDSM Dungeon Monitor certified from GWNN in Austin, Texas (2023)
  • Advanced BDSM Dungeon Monitor training from Shrine in Austin, Texas (2023)
  • Tantric Kink with Sanya Alaya & Luna Agneya (2023)
  • Tantric Pleasure and Body Control with Eyal Matsliah (2023)
  • Sexual Dominance with Stirling Cooper (2023)
  • Dominance with Lola Jean and Shayla Lange (2023)

You're one step away from your desires...

Imagine enjoying more passion and deeper intimacy in the exact type of relationship you want.

Imagine having hotter, kinkier sex than ever before.

You know there is MORE to life and are ready to experience it fully while being supported every step of the way.

I am so excited about curating and cultivating the perfect experience for you because it is my passion to help you reach your full potential and create the erotic life you are so excited about!

Here's what to do next

You’re standing at a crossroads. To the left is the same rough, rocky road you have been traveling. To the right is the road fewer people will choose. 

This road is not harder, it’s different. Choosing the right road makes all the difference. I’m hoping you’ll choose the right road.

From here it's just finalizing the details. Click on the button below to apply.

I'm Ready!

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

When you get started with 3 months of coaching for $2400 ($800/mo), you’ll get 12 coaching calls personalized to your goals, ongoing support and direct access to me via telegram, and curated resources for your journey.

Sound fair? Then what are you waiting for!?!  Apply today!

Frequently Asked Questions

“I'm single. Is this coaching still relevant, or should I wait until I'm in a relationship?"

You'll never have a fulfilling relationship with another person if you don't have one with yourself. The work we do starts here – understanding your needs, desires, your nervous system capacity, and your openness to love. These foundations will benefit all aspects of your life, and prepare you for a relationship with another. In fact, many participants find that the work allows them to attract more fulfilling relationships into their lives. So, there’s no need to wait; the journey starts with you.

“Do you have couples coaching available? May my partner(s) join me on the calls? ”

Yes! Just be sure to specify that you are wanting coaching with your partner on the application. I will meet with both of you initially. Then depending on you and your partner's goals, I may coach you individually on some calls and together on other calls. If you're polyamorous and have multiple partners, we decide when it's right to have them join you on a call.

"I've done a lot of personal development work already. Will this offer me anything new?"

While this coaching may overlap with areas you’ve explored, it also offers unique perspectives and practices, particularly around dominance & submission, masculine and feminine sexual polarity, and sacred intimacy. Even if some concepts are familiar, the depth of practice, and the opportunity to ask someone who has been a practitioner for a long time can bring a fresh perspective and deeper integration. There are always deeper layers of growth and learning to explore.

"What if I'm very sexually inexperienced or have had few relationships. Is this coaching suitable for beginners?"

Absolutely! What’s most important is your openness, curiosity, and commitment to the process of transformation and taking action. In fact, it’s designed for those new to the world of deep emotional relating, BDSM, Tantra, & kink but who think they may want to try these in the bedroom or in their everyday life. If this sounds like you, and you want to explore the depths of relationships you could have, this coaching is for you.

“What does a coaching package include?”

Each coaching package consists of the following:

  • (4) 1:1 or 1:Many zoom calls per month

  • Direct voice messaging and texting via telegram

  • Personalized follow-ups with resources and notes

  • Option to record every coaching call for further review

*Note: There is a 3-month minimum to get started. As we want to make sure we create ample space to meet your goals! After the first three months, all coaching will go month to month.

“What’s the investment?”

The investment depends on whether you are looking to receive coaching 1:1 or with your partner.

For 1:1 coaching, packages start at $800 per month.

For couple's coaching, packages start at $1000 per month.

It's time for you to take action. Apply now.

3 Month Intensive

Designed for those that need weekly accountability and want the quickest results, you will commit to 3 months of weekly coaching including the following:

Weekly 60-minute bespoke deep dive coaching calls that cater to your individual or relational depth and growth

Direct voice messaging and texting via telegram to get support in between sessions or for our accountability check ins

Personalized resources or practices to support you in between sessions based on what we're working on

You’ll have the option to record every session to your zoom cloud if you want the session recordings

Price: $800 Per Month

I'm Ready!